Director of Finance

Thanks for's a little more about the candidate described in my email. He's a finance pro who's known for developing in-house proprietary technology that's far less expensive than "off the shelf" products. He'll find those fractional opportunities and turn them into real dollars and he'll make your operators and/or franchisees very happy!

Here are a few bullet points for you to consider:

  • Early career in big box retailing (9 years including international experience)
  • Developed multiple proprietary database BI systems at 75% less than RFP's
  • Created supply chain forecasting for 30 different DMA inventory systems
  • Implemented fraud detection system reducing discounts & refunds by 25%
  • Automated sales, marketing & menu analysis from 3 days to 2 hours
  • Convinced franchisees to voluntarily provide sales mix data

He's a finance guy with a strong technology background...and that equals efficiencies in data collection, analysis and's automated to save multi unit managers time allowing them a bigger span of control and time to spend developing builds accountability into marketing and will help you find arbitrage opportunities in your supply's just a plain old smarter way to do business! Get in touch with me to learn how he married marketing & operations.

  • Current base salary is slightly below market rate
  • Completely mobile to commute, travel or relocate.
  • Casual dining & Quick Service experience
  • Fully fluent in the language of franchisees
  • High energy, creative thinker, thrives on challenge
Ken Loyd | Chief Listener | 310-902-7755 |