IT Vision & Leadership

Let me introduce you to a technology pro known for his strategic vision and leadership skills that drive results and morale to produce measurable results in bottom line IT contributions.

  • Established stability in a dysfunctional IT department & reduced turnover from 30% to zero annually
  • Created 3 year strategic plan to align IT with growth initiatives (including International) with a data center overhaul that reduced costs 32%
  • Currently developing and rolling out mobile application, OLO and social marketing programs
  • Developed performance management tools and eLeanring systems for 4,000 locations

He's known for his leadership and people development skills -- seven managers have been promoted under his mentorship. His skills in process improvement and project management have consistently produced on-time and under budget results while increasing user efficiencies. In short he's a no-nonsense technology guy who understands what the operators are trying to accomplish and how they need to do it.

Ken Loyd | Chief Listener | 310-902-7755
www.kenloyd.com | kl@kenloyd.com