The Guarantee

It's easy:

I will replace any candidate who leaves during their first year of employment for the same position at no additional fee.

It doesn't mattery why -- whether they win the lottery, are terminated or simply have some kind of professional breakdown; I'll replace them at no additional cost.

That's a guarantee I'm proud to offer...and remember, I've only had to honor it 14 times in 25+ years. That's because I'm all about the fit -- matching your desired skills, culture and the unique qualities of your business not only improves retention but it also drives bigger, better and faster results.

These are the results that show up on your P&L's, your balance sheet, your 10K not to mention your new found ability to attract even more superstar talent because as we all know. Great people attract more great people!

Click here to meet a few of those great people.

Ken Loyd | Chief Listener | 310-902-7755 |