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Who is this voice on my voice mail? Where did this text message come from? Whose pithy e-mail piqued my interest? Just who in the world wide web of work is Ken Loyd?

Executive recruiter, headhunter, peddler of people and Prophet of Profit. I place middle & senior level executives in the restaurant and retail industries.

Learn more - watch the video here.

Everyday I wear my heart on my sleeve living up to my title of "Chief Listener." You'll also find a few medals on my chest for accountability, creativity, tech savvy and fun.

You can learn more about my road less traveled on the HYPE page. Got FAQ's? Visit the WITNESS link for a few answers. Care to pick my brain? There's not much left but you'll get a sample of my attitude on the RANTS page. Need work? You can read about what I'm working on by visiting GIGS.

Mine is a business of relationships built on knowledge, compelling appeal and the trust found in confidentiality.

When you're looking for people or a place to work, I'm the first call you need to make.


The entire gamut of food service is being redefined. Time for a change and time to address the challenge of meeting a new form of demand.

History is repeating itself. It happened 30 years ago - a stock market crash in the late 80's followed by a recession & real estate crunch and war in the middle east. Consumers were "cocooning" and staying at home. The result: Home Meal Replacement and the explosion of a format called "fast-casual."

Today food service is bumping up against post-pandemic lifestyle changes, generational evolution and the price of everything from oil to eggs.

Vision in the c-suite needs to be 20-20 for a new strategy and the trickle down success of tactical implementation is almost solely based on how the message is communicated.

Leadership still needs the hard skills of math, tech and market analysis -- but winning is all about the soft skills of communicating a message with intensity, urgency and empathy.

Not only has someone "Moved The Cheese," they've also disrupted the business as we knew it. Tme for a little reflection on your brand and your team.













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