It's an amazing brand that's coloring outside the lines to create success. Average Unit Volumes are $10M+ and there's a commissary, roasting facility and bakery in the background.
The tech stack is simple and there are plans for a significant upgrade to their ERP and all the data points that feed it. You'll enjoy harvesting bushels of low hanging fruit - but you'll need to be nimble and quick to adapt to change in the process.
It's my third search for the company, I placed their VP of HR and CFO. Details on that, the role and the leadership & accountability necessary for success can be covered in a phone call.
Base Compensation: $140-170 plus other perks & benefits

It's a sought after role where autonomy & accountability walk hand in hand. You'll be leading expansion into a new market for an iconic brand with $4M AUV's and a fan base that would make Taylor Swift jealous.
If you've got the basics of food, labor & inventory under your Now, how about your "intuitive business sense" and your desire and ability to take control of you career destiny?
It's a role where you'll learn more in one year than you will in five years anywhere else. You're in charge of growing the top & bottom line, the people and mining the hidden gems that will take you & your career from the desert to an ocean of opportunity & upward mobility
It's a client I've worked with in the past and the position reports to the COO that I placed about six years ago. He's a Servant-Leader Coach & Mentor extraordinary.
Base Compensation: mid $100's & up plus perks & bennies
Location: The Land of Enchantment